Our Services

Domain Names
Domain Names

Your online presence starts with a great domain, use our domain checker for a real time search across over 500+ extensions

Web Hosting
Web Hosting

Hosting is a virtual home to your website files and data. Host it in our state of the art data servers backed by our 24/7 support

 Cloud Servers
Cloud Servers

Guaranteed performance and dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM and bandwidth on our managed & unmanaged servers in Dubai

Wordpress Hosting
WordPress Hosting

WordPress CMS powers over 35% of today’s websites! Our wordpress experts have built the ideal platform for fast, stable & secure home for your WP site.

Email & Apps
Email & Apps

Empower yourself & your users with a powerful & spam free email service that works on the webmail, outlook and your phone anywhere you go.


Protect your website, emails & applications using our cyber security tools such as SSL Certificates, Malware scanners & spam filtering.

Sell Online
Sell Online

AEserver provides an easy to use tool to create your own web shop in minutes & sell on website, social media & anywhere.

Website Builder
Website Builder

Use our website builder to build your own professional website with all the popular apps & tools quickly with no design and coding skills.

Web Hosting Plans

Server location
Startup Plan
USD 25
Sale 25%
Starting at
/mo when you renew*
A great startup plan! Shared hosting with an entry-level price for new sites, including WordPress and a few emails.
Top features
No Free Domain
1 Website
50 GB Space
10 Email Accounts
Unlimited Traffic
1-Click Web Apps
Normal Performance
  • CPU (Accessible cores)
  • Memory/RAM (MB) 512
  • I/O (MB/sec) 1
  • Entry processes 20
best value
Growth Plan
USD 25
Sale 25%
Starting at
/mo when you renew*
Host multiple websites with more space and flexibility. Includes a free domain. Loaded with free tools.
Top features
1 Free Domain*
Unlimited Websites
100 GB Space
100 Email Accounts
Unlimited Traffic
1-Click Web Apps
Free SSL Certificate*
Free G Suite Basic Email*
Free Website Builder*
Faster Performance
  • CPU (Accessible cores) 1.5
  • Memory/RAM (MB) 1024
  • I/O (MB/sec) 1.5
  • Entry processes 30
Business Plan
USD 25
Sale 25%
Starting at
/mo when you renew*
Best hosting experience, more power for complex sites and heavy traffic. Loaded with tons of freebies.
Top features
1 Free Domain*
Unlimited Websites
Unlimited Space
500 Email Accounts
Unlimited Traffic
1-Click Web Apps
Free SSL Certificate*
Free G Suite Basic Email*
Free Website Builder*
Free Premium DNS*
Free SiteLock Protection*
Free SEO Optimization*
Turbo Performance
  • CPU (Accessible cores) 2
  • Memory/RAM (MB) 2048
  • I/O (MB/sec) 2
  • Entry processes 40


Your business grows & your infrastructure becomes complex, so does the task of managing it. Our business solution architects & experts can help you.

Cloud Transformation

The cloud is now everywhere. Is your business ready for the change? Our experts will create a custom plan for businesses of any size.

Disaster Recovery

Incidents do happen and your hard work should be safe & secure from any unfortunate events. Recovery & Business Continuity solutions come handy.

Container & Microservices

Containers are the future and are key to the modern datacenter. For developers, it has never been easier to ship new application versions.

Collaboration Services

Achieve operational efficiency by setting up an digital workplace for your employees & clients to share files, communicate & control data.

AEserver in Numbers

planet icon
Hosting 50,000+ websites globally
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UAE's largest registrar & web host. Since 2005
24/7/365 Real UAE Based Support
UAE Based T4 Data Center
Accredited by TDRA of UAE since 2008
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Award Winning Company. Rated 4.9/5

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How would I know if my domain name is available?

    To check the availability of your desired domain name, simply enter it into the search box above and click the “Search” button. Our domain name search tool will promptly inform you whether the domain name is available for registration and provide pricing details.

    Additionally, it will suggest other available extensions or variations, such as domain.net or domain.org.

  • Can I add web hosting package on the domain that I purchased?

    Absolutely! You can seamlessly order a web hosting package by logging into your account and linking it to your existing domain.

    For detailed information on our web hosting packages, please visit our Linux Web Hosting page. Should you require any assistance, our support team is available 24/7 to help you get started.

  • Do you offer domain name privacy?

    The amount of email SPAM and fraud/fake emails sent to the domain name registrars worldwide is incredibly high.

    It is important to ‘hide’ your personal contact data from the public WHOIS database by enabling the private registration option. This feature is available at a small annual fee and is available for most domain names.

  • Can I add a professional email together with the domain name that I purchased?

    Certainly! AEServer.com also offers professional email services. You can explore more information and details about our email hosting options on our Professional Email Services page. This allows you to create custom email addresses using your domain, enhancing your online presence and professionalism.

    If you have any further inquiries or require assistance with any of our services, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We are here to provide you with personalized assistance and support.

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